Natural Soil Products

Juniper Garden Solutions offers several completely natural products that we believe in - to fortify your soil, increase production capabilities, and decrease pests and disease. After a soil analysis, we will recommend a soil correction and plant support plan, specifically catered to the needs of your growing space. These products use natural ingredients to achieve soil balance and overall health of your garden.

We partner with BlueGold Animal and Plant Systems to deliver you products used by organic farmers, at a quantity catered to the size of your garden. After your soil results and recommendations are in, you will receive a plan for customized mix with the minerals your garden needs in order to balance your soil. In addition to this, we may recommend one or more of our pre-blended products that support your overall soil and plant health.

We've brought together a regiment of natural products to compete with everything chemical-based products offer - from pest and disease control to fertilizers that boost plant growth.

To purchase any of these products, please contact us today!