Already Have Soil Test Results?

Already Have Soil Test Results?


While a large part of our services are collecting soil samples, we offer so much more than that! If you've already had a soil test done and have already realized the health of plants comes from the ground up, we are excited to work with you on creating balanced soil to make your garden even more successful! Soil results can be an overwhelming amount of information if you don't know what to do with all those mineral numbers you now hold in your hands. At Juniper, we work with a professional agronomist to take those soil samples and give you a comprehensive yet easy to follow plan that encompasses your next 3 years of balancing your soil. Our recommendations will include a personalized step by step plan for each season of the next 3 years, along with access to all of our incredible products. We have the ability to turn your soil results into a custom mixture of the exact minerals you need to balance your soil, in the exact amount for your garden size. We also have a variety of products that we can offer you, to boost your product, combat fungus growth, and aid with pest control. Contact us today to get started!